Thank you, Wind

It was a warm evening for exercising. The temp was in the mid-eighties, and it was humid. The last heat index we saw before going to the lake was 95. Highest so far this year.

Fortunately, there was a strong wind from the south. It made it quite bearable.

And…we had a TERRIFIC CROWD of eager participants in each group.There are 15-25 in each group! That’s fantastic.

Every group took it easy in the heat, and no one suffered too much. Actually, everyone enjoyed getting finished and could rightly say they were proud to have been there.

REMINDER: THE LAST DAY TO SIGN UP FOR THE SUMMER SESSION IS THIS THURSDAY, JUNE 5. Our training is progressive, and it will not be good for you to jump in to our regime after this second week. So, if you miss that, look for us in August as we gear up for the Fall Session.


Summer Session Begins….

Over 100 members, new and previous, joined in the first session of Rogers County Fitness last evening at Claremore Lake.

Reminder: Next Thursday, June 5 is the deadline for signing up for the summer session–the training is progressive and you cannot miss out on the early stages. 6PM sharp, every Tuesday and Thursday, at Claremore Lake.

Group of RoCo Fit members beginning to assemble for the start of the Summer Session. May 29, 2014.

Group of RoCo Fit members beginning to assemble for the start of the Summer Session. May 29, 2014.

Summer Session Ready to Start

The rains held off and the pacing event was a success!

If you were there, your time for the mile will be available on Thursday to help you decide which of 8 pace groups you would best fit into. Look for the lists on one of the tables in the shelter.

If you were not able to attend the pacing event, Continue reading

Our Weather Policy–Rain

Seems like only last week we had forgotten what rain was. Now, the slow-moving weather system has caused us to think about what happens to our plans when it rains.

Some of our most enjoyable runs are in the rain. The rain’s been so long in coming, we’re inclined to run around in it like little children.

So, for our policy: we generally run/walk, rain or shine; the exceptions: if there is lightening at our venue when schedule to start, or if there is reliable prediction of stormy weather (hail, lightening, wind, etc) headed toward our venue…then we will likely call the session off. Otherwise we enjoy running in the rain.

The pacing session for tonight (5/27) is another possible exception: it involves having some electronics on site and some papers and pencils. None of those things handle rain well. So, today’s rains MAY effect our evening session.

Best thing to say for now (3:30pm): plan to be there (Claremore High School Track); If it is actively raining at 6:00 pm we may may call it off, or hold off for awhile if it looks like it will stop raining. But for the timers and records to be kept dry it looks like a wonderful day for a run/walk.


It’s 2014. ALREADY!!

We are starting to stir from our long winter’s nap.

Check back soon for details of the next, fabulous session: it will start in early March 2014.

Thanks for your patience.

Stay warm and get ready to be fit.