Not too late to join – Registration open through Aug. 15th

Our FREE couch to 5k program has officially started! Come EARLY to register if you have not yet.

Meet us at 6:00 p.m. at Claremore Lake Park (last shelter past bathrooms around curves and on right-directly across lake from fishing dock)- look for banner! Arrive EARLY to register if you have not yet.

We will have registrations/pre-surveys available until Friday, Aug. 15th.

We will have short announcements, then START our walk or walk/run workout in two large groups, but will be breaking into our smaller like fitness level groups during the workout and finishing by stretching and getting to know each other. You’ll never be there more than an hour, UNLESS you choose to stay and socialize.

We will continue in our small groups for 12 weeks every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 p.m. The workouts will progress slowly each week up to 3 miles the final few weeks. Experienced mentors will lead and encourage small groups of like fitness levels each workout.

Come get off the couch, learn to walk or walk/run with good form, and have fun getting healthier!

We also have two separate groups (Free Walk and Free Run) for those just wanting to keep their walking or running routines with a group – these two groups do not follow our set schedule, they go different paces and distances (5k, 10k, 15k, etc.) as designated by the participants in them.

For more information please read the links on this website, or call Renetta Harrison at 918-341-3166 or email at with questions.