Spring RoCo Fit is getting close!

Registration is open for our Spring RoCo Fit couch to 5k program! Click link on right for BOTH registration and PRE SURVEY – both are REQUIRED. Browse the other links for helpful information.
If you are a NEW PARTICIPANT- a detailed description of program and tips of what to expect are available upon request via email or hardcopy.

First workout – Tuesday, March 27th – 6:00 p.m. – Trailhead at Claremore Soccer Fields (1 mile pre workout)
Tuesdays and Thursdays – Claremore Lake Park – new shelter across lake from boat dock – 6:00 p.m. (we also have a 5:00 p.m. group for those physically unable to walk a mile or needing assistance {cane, etc.} – call or email for details).

Renetta Harrison, renettah@health.ok.gov, 918-341-3166